/ Supporting Services

At Inergy 24, we recognise that implementing new products and services can have a profound impact on how organisations operate and manage their business.
Whether it is implementing change management through a PMO or outsourcing of customer programmes, Inergy 24 has the experience and knowledge to support your business requirements.

/ Change Management

Our organisation has extensive knowledge and experience of helping to lead change management programmes in a variety of businesses including complex multi-country and multi-programme projects.

Key to the success of a project involves planning, implementing, and managing change initiatives within an organization to ensure a smooth transition. Change can include various aspects such as changes in processes, technologies and organizational structure.

The primary goal should be to enable individuals and teams to effectively adapt to the changes, embrace them, and derive maximum benefits from them. Our approach  recognizes that people are at the core of any change, and their involvement, communication, and support are critical for success.

/ Project Management Office

Freeing up resources to implement projects can sometimes be a challenge, at Inergy 24 we have extensive experience of working with organisations to successful manage the introduction of new offers.

We can set up or support a PMO that serves as an entity that provides governance, support, and oversight to projects and project managers.

The primary objectives of a PMO could include:


Establishing standardised management processes, methodologies, and templates to ensure consistency and efficiency when implementing a project.


Managing the governance of the project to ensure that all stakeholders are supporting the implementation of the project and ensuring adherence to organizational policies, procedures, and best practices.

Resource Management

Facilitating the allocation and optimization of resources across projects, including human resources, budget, and equipment.

Portfolio Management

Assisting in project selection, prioritization, and alignment with organizational strategies and goals.


Supporting the identification, assessment, and mitigation of project risks.

and Metrics

Collecting and analysing project data to provide timely and accurate reports, metrics, and insights to stakeholders.


Capturing and sharing project management knowledge, lessons learned, and best practices to enhance project delivery capabilities.

/ Outsourcing

Outsourcing the management of customer facing projects can also bring benefits for an organisation including:

Cost Savings
Focus on Core Competencies
Access to Specialized Skills and Expertise
Scalability and Flexibility
Improved Efficiency and Productivity
Reducing time-to-market
Inergy 24’s extensive knowledge and experience of successfully implementing and managing major projects across multiple geographies can help businesses make step changes in how successfully they can compete in a market.
We are ready to talk about your requirements in more detail.

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